a place called nostalgia

a place called nostalgia

took the photo circa.2012

while browsing my photographs on my flickr account that i havent open in years, some good ole photographs made me visit nostalgia. a rush of feelings, emotions circling. a lot have changed since then. I realize how my old canon shoot beautifully than nikon d90, i remember how i loved canon more than nikon and i know now why.

every single photographs not just tell a story but brings back feelings as well. every single photographs brings back lots of wonderful memories, thats what photographs can do. we take photographs for that feelings

its a bird! its a plane! well err, it IS a plane.

its a bird! its a plane! well err, it IS a plane.

okay i admit the title is a bit odd but, hey! thats a plane indeed. this set of photos are a favorite of mine. I waited at the park while trying to take this shots, waiting for the plane. its funny cos it flies above my head before i know it! unpredictable indeed. If youre asking why theres a lot of planes passing by,(i only waited for like, 30 minutes every plane) is in fact there is a flying school nearby. that answers that!



No wonder phones can get good photos too πŸ™‚ if it happens that you want to take photos at that moment but your cameras at home iphone can get handy, pretty descent shots eh? πŸ™‚

Posted this using mobile, im not home so i cant post from my pc

hey Im back! The Diplomat Hotel


PHOTO: a shot i took in 2013, the Haunted Diplomat hotel in Baguio city, which is a beautiful and at the same time creepy Building, awesome eh? πŸ™‚

Logging in WordPress seems to take a lot while for me, whoa it is like a year since i last wrote something here. well i think its never too late to update this blog! i don’t now where to start really, i assume most followers forgot that this blog exists, kidding! haha i keep getting mail updates of Β the blogs i follow so i decided to check out my wordpress again and probably get back to photoblogging which i really love. You know sometimes youre not at your highest points in life, lack of passion stucks each one of us in some moments, but that wont stop me now for sure. Im really looking forward to make this blog active again, i got inspired by the bloggers here who takes wonderful photos. me and my d90 will have some awesome adventures again. im really excited πŸ™‚
